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Assassination Nation - A Day Things Changed
CIA Hit: A Judge John Roll Weekend Pt. 1
January 07, 2023
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Judge Roll gets Rolled

On Jan. 8, 2011, US District Court Judge John McCarthy Roll was assassinated in broad daylight by Jared Lee Loughner. However, the mainstream media continues to this day to insist US Representative "Gabby" Giffords was the target. No mention of Judge Roll. He has been erased. Does "Gabby" have a ring that Gabrielle Dee doesn't? 

"Today, in an act of terrorism, a nut tried to kill Congressman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). Fortunately, contrary to earlier reports, she will live. The police have not released details yet, including whether she was the target, or US District Judge John Roll" - Tea Party Nation Message Network (Tucson Shooting FBI Report, p. 32. Jan 2011) 
"Prior to the event, Judge Roll advised his wife he was going to the event to say hello to Congresswoman Giffords and to thank her" (Tucson Shooting FBI Report p.24)
"Just prior to the shooting, Judge Roll spoke with Congresswoman Giffords' District Director, Ronald Barber, for several minutes. Jared Lee Loughner posed a question to Barber with words to the effect, 'Where is the Congresswoman?' or 'Is that the Congresswoman?' and Barber responded by pointing to Congresswoman Giffords. A short time later Loughner came around a table set up for the event and shot Congresswoman Giffords, her District Director Barber, federal Judge Roll and then continued firing at the crowd. Loughner killed Judge Roll, Congresswoman Giffords' staffer Gabriel Zimmerman, and four others"  (Tucson Shooting FBI Report p.24).
If Roll was under CIA surveillance, think about the possibility.
But what's the motive for surveillance? And a CIA hit? 

Operation Fast and Furious

Six months after the assassination (not my words, the FBI's) the house of cards surrounding Fast and Furious had fallen. As members of the press and members of Congress began checking suits, did a suicide king appear? No. But the CIA did. 
"Operation Fast and Furious may not have been the only way the CIA helped put lethal weapons into the hands of the Sinaloa cartel and its allies, but it certainly was an effective strategy. If drug thugs hadn’t murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with an ATF- provided weapon, who knows how many thousands more guns would have crossed the U.S. border?" (FARAGO, Washington Times)
We know from Snowden that everyone is tapped. Even Senator Feinstein fell under surveillance. But was Roll. Probably. Plus the Office of Inspector General concluded, "that the wiretap affidavits in Operation Wide Receiver included 'red flags' that would have caused a prosecutor who was focused on the question of investigative tactics to have questions about ATF’s conduct of the investigation" (OIG F&F Report: p. 104). And according to the OIG timeline on Fast and Furious on Jan 24, 2011, was the date when in "Weinstein e-mails [the] Gang Unit staff to inquire whether Criminal Division personnel will attend the press conference announcing Fast & Furious" (OIG F&F Report: p.247).  I guess some folks shouldn't be on TV. 
Question: Was Roll a victim of clean-up action?
Did Arizona federal Judge John Roll know something about Fast & Furious?
The OIG's Fast & Furious report is 514 pages compared to the 2000-page 9-part FBI report on the assassination. If there are points of cross-reference this investigation has not discovered it's due to time constraints.
Question: Has anyone tried in the past?
We'll keep researching the documentation. 

Really? Whoops. I guess they fucked up. 

In parting, we wish to assure you that our government is concerned.  They "described in detail the conduct of Operations Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious and the basis for [OIG] conclusions that the [two] investigations were seriously flawed in several respects, most significantly in their failure to adequately consider the risk to public safety in the United States and Mexico." (OIG F&F Report, p. 432) 


A Morning Perspective that Day

In order to bring some perspective to the time frame, accompanying this preliminary synopsis is the Friday, Jan 7, 2011 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show. The day prior to the assassination of Judge Roll. It may seem a bit strange, but the topics of conversation with Charlotte Iserbyt and Bob Chapman that Friday includes State surveillance, "Rainbow" Ronald Reagan, and much more. Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster willed his baton to James Corbett. So if you're in for a treat. And do you remember the Maryland Attacks? Plus the mysterious murder of a former Bush aide and chemical weapons expert, John P. Weller. Though nothing is complete without infiltrated Michigan militias and fluoride in the water. Gay frogs? Enjoy... And have you forgotten about Gabby yet?
The more things change . . . 
The more they remain the same . . . until A Day Things Changed. 


"A Review of ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious and Related Matters". Office of Inspector General https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2012/s1209.pdf
"Ex-Bush Aide Videotaped in Daze Before Killing". The Wall Street Journal
By Sean Gardiner And Tamer El-Ghobashy Jan. 6, 2011
"FARAGO: Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious? New and troubling motive for Team Obama's illegal gunrunning scheme". Robert Farago and Ralph Dixon. The Washington Times. Thursday, August 11, 2011.  https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/11/was-cia-behind-operation-fast-and-furious/
Tea Party Nation, https://teapartynation.com/
Tucson Shooting FBI Report: 89A-PX-86099, 01/10/2011 https://vault.fbi.gov/2011-tucson-shooting
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Monthly Quote: Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005)
source: Peter F. Drucker Conservative Christian Anarchist

A conservative christian Anarchist, yes, that‘s what I am, more or less! The older I get, the more I become sceptical towards the the promises to save mankind through society.

I think, that one of the most important experiences we made within the last fifty years, is, that we aren‘t able to build a paradise on earth. There is no perfect Society, but only a bearable one. We can improve, but not perfecting - and this is a conservative concept. But it is also a christian one, because it puts its focus on the Individual and because of its belief that, there is something beyond Society. Therefore I am christian-conservative and Anarchist in the sense, that I more and more distrust power. For me the basic sin of mankind is the lust for power, not sex, sex is not a sin. In this sense I am an Anarchist. But unlike the Anarchists, I accept the need for a political order (the Justice State). Wilhelm von Humboldt, the political philosopher, I most respect, wrote a wonderful book on the myth of the French Revolution, when he was 23. In it there was an essay titled - Ideas on a trial to define the limits of the effectiveness of the State - This is the center of my interest. This question was the reason for me to concentrate my work on the enterprise and on the other autonomous institutions of our Society, which had taken over social tasks and thus limiting the power of the State. Therefore I call myself a conservative christian Anarchist, however in the special sense, as I described it above.
~  Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005) 



Weber, Winfried. "Peter F. Drucker Conservative Christian Anarchist: A dialogue between Peter Paschek and Winfried Weber". Civilization and Management, Tokyo, Vol. 18, 2021. 9 January 2021. https://www.winfriedweber.com/post/peter-f-drucker-conservative-christian-anarchist

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Ike's Failure
20 May 2023 - Armed Forces Day

America celebrates Armed Forces Day this weekend. Unfortunately, those that celebrate have no exposure to the real truth: America's armed forces have failed to protect Americans and a foreign policy commitment to freedom. What? Think about the push for borderless nation-states by the elite and international crime. Think about endless war and political corruption beyond an imaginable scale. American armed forces are involved and millions of children live in conflict zones with no escape. Death is a business and business is good. No one has the answers to end War. We've known who the death merchants are and done nothing. Major General Smedley D. Butler alerted the public writing War is a Racket in 1935. But consider our failures to heed past warnings are not ours but a president's, Dwight D. Eisenhower.  

Eisenhower warned Americans and the whole world about the military-industrial complex. In his farewell speech, Ike additionally warned the public that, "For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers." And continued  "in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite." Wonderful. Thank you Mr. President for your concerns and consideration. 

In less than two years President Kennedy will be dead. 

Obviously, JFK's death is Ike's failure. Isn't it? The great five-star general didn't see it coming. Or did he? Maybe not. Hard to believe in retrospect. Death threats are the norm for many political leaders and Eisenhower must have had his fair share. But did he?

A quick review yields none. Yet, strangely enough, Wikipedia (as a tertiary resource) list attempts for every POTUS in the modern era since Herbert Hover except one. Dwight D. Eisenhower. This doesn't seem possible though Ike did save the world from the Nazi menace. Maybe out of great respect for his efforts during WWII made this odd factoid the case. 

History on the Net paints a powerful picture of Eisenhower. An excerpt mentioned from Mel Ayton’s Hunting the President: Threats, Plots, and Assassination Attempts—From FDR to Obama, published in 2014, aligns Ike as a possible candidate for the greatest American President that ever lived. Historian Stephen Ambrose takes this position by calling Ike "the smartest man I’ve ever met" and Ike's presidential success shaped by “eight toughest years of the Cold War without losing a single soldier, and without giving up an inch of territory . . . he got us through the decade. I don’t know if anybody else could have. I know that he did.” That is a powerful argument.

However, in referencing another historian another observation comes to light. A praiseworthy depiction of Eisenhower in the web article reveals that "behind the bland smile and apparent simplemindedness, historian Evan Thomas argues, he was a brilliant political tactician, a 'master of calculated duplicity,' a patient, subtle leader with quiet moral courage." Interesting. So in between the lines it becomes apparent that Ike was adept at "calculated" plots.

Is this how Eisenhower foresaw the subterfuge now infiltrated throughout the world and America? 

Because within "the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought" from all forms of corruption. Not just the military-industrial complex. Ike took the time to specifically point out technocracy but he did not offer a defense against it. Why? 

A Farewell's Final Words 

So-in this my last good night to you as your President-I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and peace. I trust that in that service you find somethings worthy; as for the rest of it, I know you will find ways to improve performance in the future.

You and I-my fellow citizens-need to be strong in our faith that all nations, under God, will reach the goal of peace with justice. May we be ever unswerving in devotion to principle, confident but humble with power, diligent in pursuit of the Nation's great goals.

To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America's prayerful and continuing inspiration:

We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 17 January 1961.

Read Between lines

Eisenhowser's very last paragraph calls for emotional solidarity to achieve liberty. However, the very first outro paragraph seems to address a select few. A select group capable of arranging the right set of circumstances for opportunities during war and peace. Ike's "last good night" may not be for the American people, but for the elite that kept him and his family alive.  

After WWII many strange geopolitical occurrences shaped the world. We may never know the closed-door political situations that led us to our current geopolitical dilemmas, but Eisenhower must have understood hidden events better than anyone. Something more dynamic and important to the future of humanity made Ike an untouchable. The scientific-technological elite would leave the Eisenhower Presidency alone. And for 8 years a fledging technocracy began to flourish into what we know it to be today. A globalist socioeconomic menace that mimics the dreams of a 20th-century politician. That politician was Adolf Hitler. 



"Eisenhower Presidency Summary". History on the Net. 20 May 2023. © 2000-2023, Salem Media. https://www.historyonthenet.com/eisenhower-presidency-summary>

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address. 17 January 1961. Washington D.C. 

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April 10, 2023
HK Update
10 April 2023

The research on Judge John Roll is ongoing and of course, we are eagerly awaiting the next phase of the David DePape story. We at HK all appreciate your patience. The Hell Know website was under attack for years. Now with a SAAS community like Locals, HK can operate on a free speech platform. A platform unencumbered by immoral governmental interference and restriction. A place where alternative information outlets can exchanges ideas and promote discourse.

Spring 2023 has begun with many exciting developments in the struggle against NWO Warlords. We see the J6 Shaman set free under the radar, while the American Deep State deployed ECCM in the form of a Trump indictment. We see COVID-19 Truth become more accepted by the masses. We see East Palestine, Ohio sadly suffer under a boot of fascism and a lack of empathy. We see alternative information outlets such as Locals grow.

Unfortunately, many alternative information outlets get caught up in the sensationalism of Twitter, infighting, and other distractions. No alternative information outlet (AIO) is immune from distractions. Even HK can be victimized by new Operation Mockingbird-type infowar campaigns. That said, seek new information where you can find it, vet it, and appreciate its integrity. We at HK do. We encourage others to do the same.

Great things are happening despite the NWO's war on freedom. Recent triumphs by others in the struggle for liberty that we wish to acknowledge, show great appreciation, and also much admiration for are fitting at this time. Really Graceful's recent contribution The Deep State Encyclopedia is showing remarkable Best Seller acceptance (book review forthcoming, maybe). Programs like Redacted are experiencing rapid growth—this is very encouraging. Children's Health Defence is beyond reproach. The J6 Joke is being exposed daily by Watching the Watchers. Internationally, The Duran continues to be a critical alternative information outlet. And finally, Locals growth is a wonderful thing. There are more, but HK can't keep up with those deserving accolades. If we've missed an organization or someone, in particular, deserving of our praises, please let us know. We Want To Know! 

How do we and you navigate through the disinfo? Through open discourse and community. But there's one eternal truth that shall be understood...


Peace and Be Well, 


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